
Friday, April 8, 2011

Cincinnati Quilt Festival

Can you say tired and overloaded???
My friend Julie and I arrived in Cincinnati after stopping at the outlet mall on the way into town! We are staying right downtown about 5 blocks from the convention center. We went to the show last night and shopped!! I felt so overwhelmed with all the choices that I didn't get much shopping done!! Today we will go back and enjoy the beautiful quilts that we glimpsed last night!

After the show we are off to St Theresa's Textile Trove. I have wanted to go there for many years and it is only 5 minutes from here!! Yipee!!

Last night I got to meet Liz Kettle who's give away I won the other day! I got to peek at the book I won Threads the Basic and Beyond. I can't wait to get my hands on it. It looks fabulous!!

Have a great day!! Hopefully more tomorrow on the quilt show and I plan on some pictures too.


  1. Sounds like fun! Wish I was there!!!

  2. I am glad you are having a great time! Fun can be exhausting!!


Glad you stopped by! Talk to me!!